Fear and Loathing in the EU

I've been asked by 2 totally unrelated people in 2 different countries if Hillary Clinton will be our next president. The both expressed fond memories of Bill, and a wish to return to less fucked up times. My response has been, "I hope she doesn't run". We absolutely *have* to get the republicans out of office, and, I'm sorry to say, our best chance is with a rich white guy. We can't take any chances. Our freedom, and many lives depend on this.

I'm sitting in Denmark, drinking British and Netherlands beer. It took almost nothing for me to get here, and I know that if the situation were reversed that there would be all sorts of shit that a visitor to the US would have to deal with. In fact, the super friendly desk agent in Amsterdam commented on how pretty the new US passport is, and stated so in excellent English. I have no doubt that our minimum wage earning equivalent would not give a shit / be suspicious / certainly not speak their language.

After being to 4 countries in the past 6 days, and not having to speak anything but English, I'm awed by the influence we have, and the responsibility that comes with that.



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