good start to 2007

Well, our Christmas at the Irwin's in PA was wonderful. No more delays, cancellations or anything of that nature. We got to spend a lot of time with my family, including some of my aunts, uncles and cousins who we haven't seen in many years. It was just so fabulous to knock back a few beers and catch up with them! Also got to see Josh's dad again, as well as my grandmother.
We also saw some of the Assinines of course! There was a special gathering of a few of us at the Smith's - my how the parties have changed! It used to be a late-night of debauchery on Christmas Eve with lots of drinks and at times even some bra flinging... but this year it was an afternoon pot luck the day after Christmas with the 2nd generation of Assinines included. The important thing is that our cheeks still hurt when we left from laughing so much... which is why we get together in the first place!
We returned to Colorado with snow, snow, snow! They had received one more storm while we were away, so it is still the winter wonderland we left.
I managed to finally get out and ride my new snowboard last week. Work had given me a weekday off, so I drove up to Keystone. Ooooooh - she's so quick! I'm still a little leery of the speed she gets so easily, but I'm sure after a couple more days out on her, I'll be much more comfortable. I foresee Josh and I really racing to see who can beat the other to the bottom - safely, of course.
BIG NEWS: I have a new job! - I'm the new Wedding Coordinator at the Wild Basin Lodge in Estes Park! A friend of ours has decided to join the Peace Corp., and offered me the job she's held for about a year and a half now. It's a lot of work, but I'm honestly so excited about it! The Boulderado has my two-weeks notice and I'll say farewell to them on the 19th. They have given me some nice perks and I've enjoyed almost every aspect of the job, so I am a little sad to leave. The new gig is going to be so much more responsibility and I'm ready for it. One of my coworkers at the Boulderado is going to come see me about her wedding next spring... so I already have my first bride!
Last, but never least, is my sister. K is coming out to live with us! Yup, she has decided to leave PA and give Boulder a try. We are so happy we can help her in this adventure, too. Josh's brother took him in after college for a while when he landed in California, so we are glad we can pay this kind of karma forward to my sister. This weekend we have been clearing out space for her to live in (a much needed purge) and have all sorts of things planned for her first weekend in town! Our friends are super-psyched to meet her, as well. We both really hope she loves the area as much as we do.
We also saw some of the Assinines of course! There was a special gathering of a few of us at the Smith's - my how the parties have changed! It used to be a late-night of debauchery on Christmas Eve with lots of drinks and at times even some bra flinging... but this year it was an afternoon pot luck the day after Christmas with the 2nd generation of Assinines included. The important thing is that our cheeks still hurt when we left from laughing so much... which is why we get together in the first place!
We returned to Colorado with snow, snow, snow! They had received one more storm while we were away, so it is still the winter wonderland we left.
I managed to finally get out and ride my new snowboard last week. Work had given me a weekday off, so I drove up to Keystone. Ooooooh - she's so quick! I'm still a little leery of the speed she gets so easily, but I'm sure after a couple more days out on her, I'll be much more comfortable. I foresee Josh and I really racing to see who can beat the other to the bottom - safely, of course.
BIG NEWS: I have a new job! - I'm the new Wedding Coordinator at the Wild Basin Lodge in Estes Park! A friend of ours has decided to join the Peace Corp., and offered me the job she's held for about a year and a half now. It's a lot of work, but I'm honestly so excited about it! The Boulderado has my two-weeks notice and I'll say farewell to them on the 19th. They have given me some nice perks and I've enjoyed almost every aspect of the job, so I am a little sad to leave. The new gig is going to be so much more responsibility and I'm ready for it. One of my coworkers at the Boulderado is going to come see me about her wedding next spring... so I already have my first bride!
Last, but never least, is my sister. K is coming out to live with us! Yup, she has decided to leave PA and give Boulder a try. We are so happy we can help her in this adventure, too. Josh's brother took him in after college for a while when he landed in California, so we are glad we can pay this kind of karma forward to my sister. This weekend we have been clearing out space for her to live in (a much needed purge) and have all sorts of things planned for her first weekend in town! Our friends are super-psyched to meet her, as well. We both really hope she loves the area as much as we do.