Lucky Summer '07

The move went well, and we are in the last stages of unpacking - finding places for all those little things, the small stuff and organizing the new space. We're also dreaming of all the little and not-so-little projects we want to do... and can do now that its our place. :-)
First up is a crash course in lawn and garden maintenance. I have flowers - roses included - and am determined not to kill them. So far so good - they are blooming for at least the second time this summer! Our hibiscus in the front yard is blooming like mad as well! And who knew ya have to actually water a lawn! Its doing quite well, too (after a healthy trip to Home Depot for supplies).
Mom and Dad love the house (of course!) Their second day here we brought them down to see it and had a big family dinner. I surprised Mom with her favorite: Alaskan King Crab legs. They were huge! One leg section looked like a large sausage. Everyone ate until they were stuffed... then Josh brought out California rolls to finish us off. Yum-my! Dad even tried the ones made with soy wrappers and agreed they were pretty awesome.
Monday Josh, Kurt & Dad went fly fishing up in the mountains. Josh was the only one who caught anything that morning. In the mean time, I took Mom, Lindsay and Kaity down to Om Time for a relaxing morning Vinyasa class. It was a great work out which was followed by lunch at Dushanbe Tea House - a fabulous girly afternoon. :-)
That night Josh took Kurt, Lindsay & Kaity to Red Rocks to see 'The Big Lebowski' while I took Mom and Dad to a private dinner at the Wild Basin Lodge and a night in the honeymoon suite. Pesto cream sauce over linguine and sea scallops was a big hit, as was the movie for the other crew.
Tuesday we hit all the major Boulder tourist spots - Celestial Seasonings, Pearl Street and Banjo Billy's Bus Tour! Kurt & Lindsay headed to The Hill while the rest of us made a stop at the Left Hand Brewery in Longmont for a tasting of all their beers. Aside from a beard net and 'yee-haw' here and there it was a great day trip to Boulder.
Horse back riding, the new Harry Potter movie, a ride up the Estes Park Aerial Tram and a hike & picnic in Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park filled the rest of the week quite nicely. Dad got out to the stream twice more, his last day out he caught more trout than he ever has in one day! And I think Kurt even got to sleep in a little bit, as requested.
An invitation has been extended for them to come back and join us for a Rocky Mountain Christmas this winter.... we shall see!