Welcome Maggie

Maggie has come home!!

We picked her up at the airport, got her home without a peep and as soon as we opened her crate the li'l fuzz ball came bounding out to give us lots of love... and Ophie, too. She pounced on Josh's lap and began licking his chin, moved to greet me and then spotted Ophie and saw a "playmate!" much to the cat's dismay.

She started exploring the house immediately. Never having encountered stairs, it was a short learning process to figure them out. There is still the occasional tumble on the bottom one. She loves playing out in the back yard, too! She'll go bounding from one end to the other, sometimes bringing a tennis ball back to involve one of us in play (the ball is much too big for her yet, but she manages to grab the felt with her teeth).

House training started straight away. A few accidents on the first day, but it was to be expected. We're all getting much better though - us at predicting her needs and identifying "the sniff", and she at holding it until on the grass.

Crate training has begun as well. The first night was... rough. little bit of whining, an accident or two, but the second night was accident free! Today she is learning at-home, short-term confinement, and doing very well.

We've even had our first vet visit! Everyone at the office just loved her. She behaved so well, too! No struggling, whimpering or nipping as Dr. Williams examined her - just laid there quietly. All-n-all she's healthy - li'l cold she probably picked up on the plane, but will be cleared up in a couple days.

We both feel totally blessed to have this little creature in our family, and look forward to the excitement and love she'll bring to our home. :-)

Click the picture above for more photos of her first few days at home.


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