Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
We got our Christmas tree: a six foot Douglas Fir. It smells wonderful and is very full and bushy. With the star it will almost touch the ceiling - perfect height! None of the animals have experienced a large, live tree in the house before, and we were a little concerned that it would spark a little too much interest. They all seem to be ignoring it with the greatest of ease however.
Thanksgiving gave us a lot to be thankful for.
We packed up the Cabrio and Maggie and drove down to the ranch in Texas to meet Josh's mom for a quiet week of ranch-time. Ahhhhhh. It was about 15+ hours down through some of the flatest, emptiest land in the country. Maggie made the trip without a wimper or whine the entire way - she did so well!
Shortly after arrival we found that the oven in the main house was out of commission - oops! An attempt to smoke the bird Thanksgiving day was made, but we ended up using the tiny oven in the apartment (attached to the garage next door) to cook it as well as a few other items. It all turned out soooooo yummy! Josh did an amazing job on the turkey - it was juicy, perfectly done and the flavors from the brine and aromatics were just wonderful! His mom's traditional corn bread stuffing was to die for, too - Mmmm! Ann, Tommy & family joined us from Austin, and all agreed it was a fabulous dinner.
Maggie just loved the ranch! She spent a good deal of time playing outside in the front yard, and each morning enjoyed a new hike out in the pastures with the rest of us. She was introduced to cows, burrs and cactus... as well as an armadillo!
Baby Redmore is coming along swimingly!
We are half way through the pregnancy, and baby is starting to kick quite a bit. We haven't found a trigger to get it to kick/flutter around at this point, but its a fun feeling. I did find it likes the skating theme from the Peanuts, however (appropriate given the weather).
I am experiencing the joys of an increased appetite and cravings... sweet, fruity cravings. Aversions that were unexpected are chocolate - not as appealing as it ususally is - and meat - chicken is as meaty as I get lately.
After our ultrasound this coming week look here for baby's first picture.
I am experiencing the joys of an increased appetite and cravings... sweet, fruity cravings. Aversions that were unexpected are chocolate - not as appealing as it ususally is - and meat - chicken is as meaty as I get lately.
After our ultrasound this coming week look here for baby's first picture.