Kurtis Visits!

The weather was great... until the weekend. So we cancelled our outdoor plans in exchange for a lovely day in downtown Denver. While it rained cats-and-dogs we spent the afternoon wandering the Denver Art Museum and had a late lunch just off 16th Street. Van really liked the museum, and enjoyed the whole day fuss-free! His favorite was the Impressionist Landscapes exhibit, although a few of the more colorful modern pieces were appreciated, too.
We finished off Kurt's visit with a movie night at Red Rocks - Zoolander! Not sure why, but even a movie we've all seen a million times is still funny when shown outdoors, surrounded by 1,000 people and huge, red boulders with a view of Denver just beyond.
Van's rolling over now (front to back) and holding his head up on his tummy like a champ! He's talking a lot still, and we think he's teething with all the drool he's puttin' out. ;-) His 4-month check-up is next week. More shots. Send some soothing thoughts our way!