Happy Birthday Van!!

Around 12:45 his party guests started to arrive. Aunt Kaity brought an AWESOME cake (above) fit for the little rock star he is. The kids all played and toddled around upstairs while the Moms and Dads enjoyed a homebrew and/or a margarita and nosh. We tried to get a shot of all the babes in their custom "Rock the Cradle" t-shirts, but it was like herding cats (as Nanna so put it). They just weren't havin' it, but they looked super cute! Eventually, Van had his cake, everyone sang Happy Birthday, and he was off to bed for a long overdue nap. Poor li'l guy fell asleep at his own party :-)
Van opened his gifts later that evening, slowly but surely. Today (the day after his birthday) we took him to Toys R Us to get a big blow-up pool and toys from Mom and Dad. He got his first taste for the giant toy store, trying out cars and balls and other toys while we walked around. I have a feeling it's the start of a bitter-sweet relationship (bitter for us, sweet for him).
Year #2... here we come!