Christmas Time in Titusville
Van, Maggie & I arrived a week early, and got to see some family at Rita's. We also spent a day with our cousins Lyrik & Raegin for a play date. The boys had a ton of fun - Lyrik really enjoyed showing Van around the house and all his super cool toys! Made me wish they lived closer so the boys could play like that more often.
One real treat was that I got to go see Kurtis play in Edinboro! He was fantastic!! Oh, and can I brag a bit more: not only can the guy rock his guitar (and harmonica), he makes Dean's List his first semester at PSU!! Talented and brainy - rock on li'l bro. :-)
Maggie found a new pal in Maddie, my parents' 10mo old English Setter. Yes, calling the names was confusing. No matter what name was said, they both reacted. They had a blast together though, and I think miss each other now.
Christmas was a blast - Santa found Van and no problem. Van's new wagon was the big hit of the morning. The only reaction to come close was Nanna's expression when she opened her Kindle from Dad - her jaw hit the floor. Why no one had a video camera I don't know.
The whole trip was just wonderful, and while it was sad to say good-bye, it is good to be home.
Pictures HERE