Pennsylvania 2014

The boys and I have been having a great time in Pennsylvania this summer!  The weather hasn't been as cooperative as we'd anticipated - quite chilly actually - but no matter, we're having a blast!

The boys have been able to play at Camp Blackstone a ton (which they LOVE).  PopPop let Van try out the bee bee gun on his new targets.  Wow!  A highlight for Wesley was catching fireflies for the first time.  We don't have them in Colorado, so this was pretty special (Look Mom!  Look, the bugs light up!).  They've built dams and camp fires, gotten dirty and wet in the creek (Benninghoff Run) and even helped split fire wood.

Outside of camp we have visited a bit of family.  The boys got to see Aunt Sue and Aunt Rita - two women I treasure for their youthful spirit and vitality.    They have met before, but this will likely be the first memories Van and Wes retain of them.  Both of them made awesome impressions - the boys have been asking to see them each again!  But the biggest hit of the family circle had to be their cousin Lyrik.  He's just a few months older than Van and SO much fun!!  We went to Presque Isle Days on the peninsula in Erie with him and his mom, Raegin, and Uncle Pat & Aunt Sue and Nash & Alyssa.  Such a blast and to do it with this gang was very special.

Josh arrived after three weeks, and our last week here has just been packed with activities!  We saved some of the best for last while Dad's here.  Drake Well visit, kayaking, Waldemere, and much more.


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