Wesley's 6th Birthday
Ok... I'm a little late, but better late than never - bare with me.
Wes had been SO excited about his birthday. His gifts had been under the tree downstairs for lack of a more suitable place to put presents. He woke up early on Sunday the 11th and proceeded to wake us up as well so he could go open presents. Like a mini Christmas morning! He was thrilled with what he received! The best was yet to come though: a Prehistoric Party at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science!
All Wesley's favorite people were there - young and old(er)! Gatherings like this always remind me how blessed we are in such great friends and family near us :-)
For dinner that night Wes chose his favorite: "pasta with red sauce and meatballs" which could only mean Buca di Beppo's. One huge pile of spaghetti and a few 1# balls of meat later we practically had to roll this kid home! But he was a very, very happy kid.
The only downside to his birthday was later that night. Turns out he'd caught a bug and was sick most of the night (which was oh-so-lovely after that dinner!). He had to miss school the next day due to a fever. Luckily he had a brand new tablet all his own to keep him company while he recuperated on the couch.
It was an eventful, and mostly wonderful, 6th birthday for our li'l bear.

All Wesley's favorite people were there - young and old(er)! Gatherings like this always remind me how blessed we are in such great friends and family near us :-)
For dinner that night Wes chose his favorite: "pasta with red sauce and meatballs" which could only mean Buca di Beppo's. One huge pile of spaghetti and a few 1# balls of meat later we practically had to roll this kid home! But he was a very, very happy kid.
The only downside to his birthday was later that night. Turns out he'd caught a bug and was sick most of the night (which was oh-so-lovely after that dinner!). He had to miss school the next day due to a fever. Luckily he had a brand new tablet all his own to keep him company while he recuperated on the couch.
It was an eventful, and mostly wonderful, 6th birthday for our li'l bear.