Van and Wes participated in 100 Mile Club again this school year!

The club is run by our PE teacher, Mike Newell. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, about 40 minutes before school starts, he meets the kids outside our school at a quarter mile grass track. The kids are each given a card with a bar code and their name and grade. Parent volunteers scan each student as they complete their laps (that would be me and one of Van's friend's dad, Mr Minette). Those scans add up, and the goal is to have achieved 100 Miles by year's end.
While the Redmore boys weren't the fastest, walking most mornings, they did do something very important: they showed up. We were out the door at 7:30 a.m. each Tuesday and Thursday, bundled up if it was cold, in boots if it was snowy, or ready to shed layers when it was warm. I think throughout the whole year we only missed two 100 Mile Club mornings. They even did a few extra events to get some extra miles!

When all was said and done, Van had reached his goal with 100.27 miles! Wesley also achieved his goal, and beyond: 139 miles - the highest in his grade, and #4 in the whole school! Both boys earned all their milestone awards (a t-shirt at 25 miles, a gold pencil and shoe laces at 50 miles, and a bracelet at 75 miles) as well as the gold medal for their 100 mile achievement!
Josh and I are super proud of these two! They worked hard, slogged through many a sleepy-eyed morning and reached the goals they set. Looking forward to seeing them at it again next year.
Two gold medalists! |