And in the blue corner, weighing in at 8lb 5oz... VAN!

Van is just shy of two weeks old now! More pictures have been posted (click photo in previous post) of Grandpa & Grandma Irwin's visit. His jaundice is completely gone and he's regained his birth weight and then some - 8lbs 5oz. now! And what a fiasco it was to get there....

At the hospital, the nurses were concerned he'd lost his 10% too early (by day #2) and told us I needed to supplement with donor milk and/or formula. Neither Josh or I were very excited about this as introducing bottles so early can cause problems later... however, Van couldn't lose any more weight, so we started on donor breast milk and moved to formula at home (after nursing).

His discharge weight was 7lb 4oz on Sunday (5/4), the following day at the doctor's office he weighed in at 6lb 12oz... again, cause for much alarm on the doctor's part and even more so on mine - 8oz over night! I kept nursing, supplementing and pumping every hour and a half to two hours - always worried "Is he getting enough? Is he gaining? What am I doing wrong?..."

At one week he'd gone up to 7lb 2oz, but the breastfeeding was still pretty rough going for us, so we saw a lactation consultant in Boulder on Sunday (5/11). We weighed him pre-feeding and post... to find his weight at 8lb 2oz - a whole pound more than what the doctor's office told us! The consultant even calibrated her scale in front of us to double check her numbers... dead on.

The following morning we went back for another follow up at the doctor's office. They weighed him at 7lb 13oz. At another drop in weight we asked the nurse to calibrate her machine due to what we saw the previous morning. Low and behold! - their scale was off by 10oz!! He came in at 8lb 5oz.

Rather than throttle the nurse for putting the three of us through such stress all that time (same nurse & scale at each weigh-in), I thanked her and was just relieved.

Grandma & Grandpa Irwin had a wonderful visit last week! We were able to take Van out a couple times - to Pearl Street one afternoon and to the Farmer's Market in Boulder Saturday morning. He did wonderfully - loves being in his sling carrier, passes right out.

Grandpa left Sunday and Grandma left Wednesday (calculating the miles they need for their next trip out). It was so fantastic having them here - with their help we were able to forget about the little stuff and concentrate on bonding with our son.

The house feels a little empty now though. Josh is working from home for a little while which I think is just heaven, so we get to hang out as a family for a bit. S'pretty sweet. :-)


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