Wesley's Latest Stats

Wes had his 9 month well-baby check-up this week, and he's doing great! He's now 28 1/2" tall (55%), 17# 13oz. (10%) and has an 18 1/4" head circumference (80%).

In the past week he has started pulling himself up on anything standing still (which sometimes include Ophie), and can take a few very wobbly steps with the help of Mommy or Daddy's fingers. His favorite place to stand is at his music table with Van. They both just love that thing!

He's also giving us a few signs! We've seen "more" a lot, as well as "milk" and "dog." The first is very helpful at meal times, which any more are not only a little baby food but small pieces of whatever we are eating. He's a huge fan of chicken as well as pasta and eggs.


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