A week on Kauai, the Garden Island

That being said, the highlight of the trip was, IMHO, the food. I'm insisting that all of my food be prepared via smoldering pit from now on. Except for the shave ice, that is. For those of you who haven't experienced this delight, it's basically a snow cone on top of an ice cream cone. It ranks up there with peanut butter & chocolate. The seafood was, as you can imagine, fresh and tasty. I had a piece of Ahi at Postcards in Hanalei that was prepared with a wasabi-ginger glaze and covered in panko. Come to think of it, I probably had Ahi for every other meal, including the big pile of sushi that I made for everyone.
And now, your moment of Zen. I was sitting on my surfboard in Hanalei bay in the shadow of a beautifully green, waterfall covered mountain when I looked down and saw a crab about the size of a dime on my thumb. He was almost totally clear and had bright blue eyes, and just wanted to hang out.
-J, back on dry land and loosing my tan.