April Showers...

haven't started yet. But spring is here! Almost time to hang up the snowboards for another season and bust out the climbing gear, mountain bikes and sandals! We found a great spring sale on quick draws and slings and almost have a nice rack for sport climbing (so we can now go on our own, rather than mooching from friends so much).

I'm taking to my new job like a duck to water! D&N and I get along famously - its incredible. All the brides I'm meeting are just wonderful people (only a couple psychos so far). I even made it thru my first wedding and reception successfully! The bride and groom were so happy in the end, and after all the guests were gone we stayed up drinking champagne and wine by the fire into the wee hours of morning.

Aside from the lovely couple by the fire, one fact I'm seeing more than ever is that people will walk all over you if they think they can get something for nothing. I guess I typically have a lot of faith that people in general are good folks, but something I was told before my own wedding is ringing truer now than it did then: weddings and funerals bring out the worst in people. Not sure why, but it is soooooo true - raw emotions, short fuses, lofty expectations, whatever! I'm learning to take it in stride and smile when they tell me they're changing their guest count from 25 to 150 because the groom's mother wants her extended family and business friends invited.
* inhale * exhale * smile * inhale * exhale * smile*
Its all a temporary insanity and after its all over they'll be good people again - that's reassuring.

Josh's corporate takeover when well! He's now an engineer for Polycom, rather than SpectraLink. I know this because I have a new slew of coffee mugs, water bottles and two ball caps with the new corporate logo all over them in my apartment. He seems very happy with his new corporate overlords... er, uh, the new company... and he's hoping it will mean only good things for the product as well as the employees.

Speaking of housing... we have started house hunting! What a process. So many things to consider. We're being super picky about the neighborhood above all. The house is wood and drywall and for the most part can be changed, but ya can't change the neighborhood as easily, so that is what we're striving for - nice, clean neighbors with a good school district and close, but quiet, access to major roads to get in and out of town. Is it all too much to ask?
Everyone's telling us "It's a buyers market!" but we're seeing houses fly on and off the market. No one house has really struck us yet, but it's out there somewhere!


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