Broken Clavicle
Van went in to the doctor's office for his 2-month check up and first round of vaccines. He's weighing in at 12lbs 6oz now, and is 23.5" long. He did fairly well for being stuck three times. I did not. He gave the saddest wail I've ever heard from him! I managed to hold it together until the nurses left, then scooped him up and cried. I'll get better at this one day!
During the physical exam, while we were discussing vaccination reactions and schedules, the doctor stopped talking as asked us if we knew he'd broken his clavicle. uhm, NO! ??? The doctor explained that it is not unheard of for infants to break a collar bone during birth, and it may have contributed to the breast feeding issues we were dealing with early on. The bone has healed itself and Van's range of motion in that arm is just dandy! There is a little bump on the left clavicle, but otherwise our li'l boy is fine.
Otherwise we're all doing just great! We've acquired a swing for Van, and he seems to really dig it... of course he digs anything that rocks, sways or bounces him gently. :-)
Josh and I are excited to see S, V & A next week when they visit!! It will be S & A's first time seeing the house and meeting Maggie. Last time they visited it was winter and very cold. We're hoping to show them a warmer, brighter side to Colorado this visit!
