Hike to Mitchell Lake

Van went on his first real hike today! Okay... Maggie and I hiked, he hung out in the sling carrier. It was a ton of fun though!
We met a couple other new moms at the Mitchell Lake trail head in Brainard Lake Park (Park of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area). Babies were packed on the front of the moms, puppies were leashed and backpacks were loaded - we were ready for anything.... except the mosquito's.
Once we got moving they didn't seem to be a bother, but upon reaching the lake they were a bit annoying. Van was covered and happy in his sling. Maggie and I, however, decided to head back down the trail rather than stick around to eat or be eaten.

The mountain was spring-like. Temp in the mid-60's rather than the blistering 100 degrees it'd been at home when we left, green sprouting everywhere, flowers popping up all along the trail - gorgeous! The streams were running fast and clear as well - picture perfect.