As some may know, Maggie has had a small mass growing on the bridge of her nose, right between her eyes for about a year now. It never really bothered her (you can't even see it above), but we had the vet check it out just in case it was a sign of worse things to come. Fortunately it was just a benign tumor, nothing dangerous. Just the same, we made the decision to have it removed, and while she was under anesthesia the doctor recommended she have her teeth cleaned as well.
The black splotch between her eyes is where they removed the growth. |
She went in around 8:30 a.m. and we picked her up that afternoon, about 5:00 p.m. It was a long day for everyone. The doctor said she did really great, the mass came out no problem, with no other masses found (they checked her all over - she's quite furry) and her teeth look gorgeous now. When Maggie got home she seemed almost normal. Not super hungry and would space out and sleep a lot, but the doctor said that'd be normal. I think her mouth must have felt funny because she kept forgetting to pull her tongue all the way in.
The next day Mags was back to her old self again! Bouncy and happy as all get out when she saw her collar when it was time for her walk, eager to play frisbee and eating as usual (and begging for treats). The patch on her front, right leg where her catheter was, is already growing in, as well as the patch on her face. She has three sutures and they will come out next week.