Van and Wes were just giddy with excitement when they woke up Saturday morning knowing this was the day Nana & PopPop arrived on a plane from Pennsylvania. Josh and I were still dealing with the details of packing, not to mention frantically trying to dry the basement carpet that had flooded just a day and a half ago when our water heater died... so while we were very much looking forward to the visit and the upcoming trip, we were a little preoccupied.
Once everything was sorted we were off to Kaity & Abe's to greet the Irwins! Mom and Dad were a little late getting in cause the airline lost a bag, and they just
had to stop at Toys 'R Us for the grand kids. We all hung out in the back yard, ordered pizza and talked of what we each wanted to see and do in Yellowstone the following week.
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Lookin' for fish with PopPop at Coot Lake |
Sunday Kaity had to work so Nana & PopPop spent the day in Longmont with us. We took a walk around Coot Lake with Maggie and grabbed some lunch. Then Nana helped Van and Wes set up the new slip-n-slide she and PopPop got them! There wasn't a lot of slipping or sliding but they got nice and wet and still loved their new yard toy.
Monday Kurtis & Lindsay joined us, and that night we took everyone to
Prospect Eats here in Longmont. Prospect is a small neighborhood on the south side of town - very colorful, neat houses on teeny lots with a small "town" and a central park. The Eats part comes when the park becomes a small concert venue on Monday nights with a stage erected at one end and food trucks lining the whole block. Everyone got to try different Eats - pad Thai, fresh stone oven pizza, BBQ, waffle sundaes, Chinese sandwiches, gourmet grilled cheeses - something for everyone! We took advantage of the wine shop across the street and bought a bottle or two (along with a few beers) - the clerk was even nice enough to open them for us!
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Still cute after 9+ hrs in the car |
Okay... Tuesday morning, 5 a.m. take off! Well... it ended up being around 5:45 a.m. because
someone overslept, but when the sun's not up it doesn't really matter. We still rolled into Yellowstone National Park right about when we planned.
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At the edge of the park on Snake River |
The Grand Tetons greeted us on our way to the south gate of Yellowstone. So majestic! and so different than our Rocky Mountains at home. There were still big patches of snow back in the trees and all over the mountains of course, and the clouds came and went but the weather was just gorgeous the whole drive up.
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Oooooh'ing at Old Faithful |
Our first night was spent in Grant Village, on the West Thumb of Lake Yellowstone. From here we were
just a short drive from Old Faithful Village and it's surrounds. We also explored a little of the lake and it's black sand beaches (the boys loved it). Before dinner we headed up to see the infamous geyser. Oh Van was not disappointed! When it blew he was totally cheesed! Plus, he had a great seat on top of Nana's shoulders.
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On Lake Yellowstone |
The next morning we were up and at 'em! The weather report said there was to be a big storm rolling through just around or after lunch, and to be indoors when it hit... so we wanted to take advantage of the sunshine until then. We rented bikes at the Old Faithful Snow Lodge - bikes and helmets for all, a trailer for Wes and a train for Van. Van wasn't too keen on the train, but once he felt confident he wasn't going to tip over he
loved it. We rode north from the Village to Morning Glory Pool, stopping to see geysers, thermal pools and hot pots along the way, as well as a few
large bison wandering about. From there we rode out to Biscuit Basin to see Sapphire Pool. After wandering around the pools there we noticed our sun would be leaving us very quickly and we heard thunder. Hmmm. We hopped on our bikes and high-tailed it back to the Lodge. Abe, saint of a man, took the bike that pulled Wesley since the ride back was gravely and up-hill (and well, cause I'm outta shape.) The rain hit about half way back... hard. Luckily the hard rain was short lived and had slowed considerably by the time we got to the Lodge. Everyone but Wesley was just drenched and considerably out of breath (we
were at 7,000+ feet)... smiling though! It was a very memorable trip :-) For the rest of the trip Van and Wes would both ask numerous times to go ride bikes again.
Bike train - woo hoo! |
After a terrible experience at the Old Faithful Inn for lunch (beautiful lodge, but awful service and lack-luster food) we sprinted to the cars and headed north through Madison and Norris to Mammoth Hot Springs. On the way we stopped at Gibbon Falls while there was a break in the rain... where our car decided to momentarily die. Ugh. All it took was a quick jump, thank goodness. Otherwise the ride was just gorgeous. As we got into Montana the scenery changed - the hills became softer and more rolling and green. There was one spot that was very different in that it was covered in limestone boulders. Then we descended down into the beautiful little valley that held the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, our next stop. We each had a little cabin rather than a traditional hotel room. These were great! Each had a covered porch with chairs that faced a small common yard, very green and grassy and loaded with the cutest little "whistle pigs" that the boys found much fun in chasing about.
Van, Momma & Wes at Grotto Geyser |
Kaity, Abe, Mom, and the boys, Josh and I decided to try to beat the rain coming in again and walked up to the Lower Terraces. Such a strange area of terraced mineral deposits and pools - very alien. Dad and Kurt hung back at the cabins and kept company with The Capt'n. Later that evening we all hung out at Kurt & Lindsay's cabin and enjoyed the company and a few beverages. Josh, Abe and Kurt even found a few decent cigars at the General Store. Van and Wes were
wiped out, and passed out pretty quick... as did I.
The Redmores at Lower Terrace Overlook, Mammoth |
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Wes, running up, up, up |
Thursday morning we got up and out pretty early again and continued on around to Roosevelt, where we were scheduled to take a stagecoach ride around Yancy Valley. Well, the weather had a different idea and our ride was cancelled. No matter - onward! We took our time going down to the "Grand Canyon of Yellowstone" to see the Upper and Lower falls of Yellowstone River. Whew, what a hike! Of course the two youngest were practically sprinting around the switchback turns of the steep climb up from the brink of the falls. Heard more than a few people say, "Wow, I wish I had their energy!" seeing them run by.
On Lake Yellowstone |
A zip through Norris area again (cause the weather wasn't quite so rainy and yucky) and a pit stop at the Artist's Paint Pots and we were off through Hayden Valley to Lake Yellowstone Hotel for the final night's stay of our visit. Hayden Valley was just breath taking. The sun was shining on Yellowstone River running through a wide swath of green meadows, a scattering of bison here and there, elk grazing and snow capped mountains beyond. Visually my favorite part of the park, personally. Kaity and Abe went back up this way Friday morning, very early, and even saw a bear with his breakfast (an elk calf).
Libations |
Lake Yellowstone Hotel was the nicest of all the places we stayed, by far. While a little dated, it was still very beautiful with wonderful service. A few of us hung out in the lobby/lounge area while the pianist played and had a drink or two after unpacking in our rooms. It was a very nice way to unwind after a long day in the cars. Dinner was lovely - good service (a first for the week) and good food.
No tv's in the hotels, but we were prepared with a tablet. |
At breakfast I asked Dad what he'd like to see that morning before we headed south again. He turned to me and said, "Lyss, I got my drivin' face on." 'Nuff said. We took the east exit out of the park around Lake Yellowstone, which looked very cold with lots of white caps - brrrr! The cars had had ice on them earlier that morning and we drove through a patch of road that very clearly had a good snowfall the night before. About 10 hours later, through very flat and very brown Wyoming roads, we arrived at Kaity's in Loveland to 80+ degree weather and a family that was very happy to be back.
Kurt & Lindsay stayed Saturday night to hang with Josh and I and the boys at the G'Knight Ride in Longmont, but Mom & Dad left Saturday a.m. It was a sad goodbye. We'd all had such a great week, and it just feels so good having them here with us. But with a new Weagraff baby due to arrive before the summer's over, we'll see them again soon.
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Iriwn - Redmore - Weagraff Family, June 2013 |
Mom and Dad, thank you again for a really amazing week. Van and Wes love being with their PopPop and Nana so much, and Josh and I are so appreciative of these trips you make out here, and giving us the time we all spend as a family.