Happy Fall, Y'all!

It was a beautiful fall here in Colorado.  Lots of sun and the temperature dropped a bit to make sure it was clear summer was over. 

We visited Anderson Farms and tromped through their corn maze... which is insanely huge!  It came with a map... and even then it was hard to find your way around.  The Farm also had a punkin' chunkin' station, air cannon launchers, tractor rides, rain gutter duck races and pedal cart tracks.  We actually didn't get pumpkins from there, funny enough.  They were kinda expensive and the line for the tractor ride to the field to get them was too long to be worth it (imo).  We got good pumpkins from the Rocky Mountain Pumpkin Ranch in Longmont - still a small, local business, but more reasonable in price and no lines!

When it came time for Halloween the boys were so excited about their costumes!  Van chose to be Master Chief (from Halo), and Wes dressed at Kai from Lego Ninjago.  Both costumes were kinda hard to find actually!  Pat momma on the back for finding 'em and not paying an arm and a leg ;-)

We headed to our friends' house to trick-or-treat around their neighborhood (ours is kindof a dud for trick-or-treating).  Both kiddos came home with heaping full pumpkins!  There were a good number of full size bars, too - score! 

One more Halloween for the books!  And, now, according to consumer tradition, it is time to introduce Christmas pressure to our lives, right?  Sigh.


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