Fall 16 Football Season

Patriots Fall 16
 Van and Wesley both had fantastic football seasons this fall!  Van was in Division 3 on the Patriots (competitive league), and Wes was in his second year of Division 1 on the Vikings (recreation league).

This was Van's first year of competitive ball.  Same general rules with a few minor differences - one of them being that the coach isn't required to give everyone equal ball time, he can use the players to their strengths.  Van found he's really great on defense (see left as he tipped a pass from the offense)!  It also meant that he could be pulled if his head wasn't in the game, which happened.  Overall he learned a LOT this season, and really improved his game.  We're very proud of him!
Vikings Fall 16

Wes had a great season, too!  His team was formed entirely of kids we know and/or have played with before.  We also had the same coaches as last season, which was awesome!  These guys all played so well together - some of them were new to the league, but most of them had at least one season under their belt.  These guys are not only learning to play the sport but are learning how to be good sportsmen, and on that note this team really shone.  They were always ready to politely hand back flags, give a big high five after a game to the other team and were never nasty or rude on the field.

Wes really focused this season and made some big leaps in his game - he scored his first touch downs (yes, plural), and we learned he could be pretty darn quick when he put his mind to it!

Both boys' teams WON their league Super Bowls.  They earned it.  Mom and Dad are SUPER proud of both of them!!

Div 1 Champ w/ Coach Morgan & Coach Derek

Div 3 Champ!


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