Van turned 3!!

Van is no longer in his "Terrible Twos"... he's moved on to the "Thunderous Threes!" We celebrated the event with a big party at one of his favorite play places, Li'l Monkey Bizness. About 18 of his friends joined him for play time, lunch and finally chocolate cake. Everyone went home with balloons and a Hammond's lollipop, and from what I hear from parents, the kids also went home totally tuckered out - woo hoo!

At home Van got a brand new strider bike and helmet! He was pretty siked to go in and pick it out himself, and was equally enthusiastic about his helmet. The bike was a quick, easy pick: blue. The helmet he thought about a second, but decided pretty quickly on the dj'ing monkeys (Paul Frank, gotta love it). We went down to Pearl Street and let him ride around - he was having a blast! Hot dogs for lunch and pasta for dinner, he had a good birthday.

Check out pictures from the festivities HERE.


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