Summer Hikin', Havin' a Blast

What better to boost the spirit than sunshine and smiles?!

The boys logged over 36 miles each this summer!  We hiked trails around Boulder and Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP).  Van and Wes are such great hikers - they carry their own water packs, snacks, try their best to remember good trail etiquette, and rarely complain about any of it. 

They topped their record this season with the longest hike yet:  6.8mi to Fern Falls and back!  While the hike itself is only around 5mi, we had to park about a mile from the trailhead this day.  There was a little whining at the end of this one, but what I take away is the pride I felt for these two boys who pushed themselves and will do it again.

There was LOTS of wild life this summer - more than we've seen in years before!  On our first hike out this season we saw a black bear!  He's actually rather brown, but RMNP doesn't have brown or grizzly bears. (site)  It was very exciting - we stayed quiet, watched him for a minute as he checked us out, and moved quickly on.  Josh was working that day and promised to get us bear spray for the future.  No one was scared!  We just observed and let him be, same as he did to us. 

one of over a dozen elk we saw that day
Later at Cub Lake we saw a cow moose wading thru the lily pads in the lake having her breakfast (or 11'zees as it were).  There was a good sized snake in Lyons one afternoon who got caught up in a little area of rapids and found himself stuck on a branch in the water.  He made it out on his own, but it was fascinating to watch!  The boys found most of an elk skeleton one day - ew, but kinda cool.  And on our last trip up to Emerald Lake we saw lots of elk grazing right along the trail!  They kinda ignored us as we watched in awe from a distance.  Probably annoyed at the "tourists" gawking as they ate. 

Josh and Molly came on a few, and we did a couple with friends.  The boys and I love to do this together, but sharing those things that bring you joy is always the best way to do them. 

Molly loves a good hike
New Trail Tags were earned this summer, too!  Lots of red rimmed badges this summer!  (the red rim on the badge means it was 5+ miles)

We'll continue to hike throughout the year, but summer trails seem special. 


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